Details of the changes in this version:
- Wages – Altered the UK Timesheets to rename the Overtime No Turnaround – Shortfall payment type to say Broken Turnaround and change the column title in the top grid.
- Wages – Altered the UK Timesheets turnaround to use the Overtime rate instead of the Hourly rate.
- Wages – Remove the existing rounding rules for UK Timesheets. They will not round at all now (except broken turnaround).
- Wages – Altered the Timesheet turnaround shortfall calculation for the UK to round based on a given increment.
- Wages – Altered the cast per diems so the GL number stays with what is entered and not revert back to the wage master GL number.
- Wages – Altered the importing of daily timesheets to block it if anyone on the transaction is already on a transaction for the same date which is already posted.
- Wages – Altered the calculation of night loading when a wrap time of 00:00:00 is entered when they meant to type 24:00:00.It will then calculate as midnight but only if the start time has a value other than 00:00:00 (because otherwise it could indicate a non-worked line).
- Wages – Made 3 more changes to the ING Slaski bank export.
- Web – Altered the audit trails for web timesheets to make it clearer which web user made the change.
- Web – Altered the crew contract when approving by job ID, to ensure when filtering by mandatory fields missing or completed that only workers in the correct Job IDs are returned.
- Web – Altered the HTML of the PO when Approving Invoices to ensure only local file paths are used due to the WKHTMLTOPDF Upgrade.