Data Entry Shortcuts
- Tab will move from the current field to the next in sequence
- Shift-tab will move from the current field to the previous in sequence
- Space can be selected on radio buttons or check boxes to select the field
- F2 will change the behaviour of the arrow keys, so that they move within the active field instead of switch you between fields.
Main Menu Shortcuts
When viewing the main menu, some shortcuts are displayed there to access those menu items, ie Ctrl-J will take you to the Journals submenu. Ctrl-A will take you to accounts payable.
Alt Menu Shortcuts
The Alt key (or Ctrl-F2 key on Mac OS) can be pressed to give full keyboard access to all menu items. You will see one letter in each menu item underlined, it is that letter that can then be typed to activate the menu. It can be used in combination, so if looking at the journals menu, Alt-j-e can be used to enter a journal, or Alt-a-a can be used to run the audit report in accounts payable.
Button Shortcuts
One button on every form will have a thicker darker line around it. This is the default button on a form and can be triggered by pressing the enter or return key. Enter or return should never be pressed during data entry to leave a field.
- Esc to select the Cancel button on all forms
- Ctrl-e to select the Export button
- Ctrl-d to select the Delete button
- Ctrl-n to select the New button
- Ctrl-p to select the Print button (when there is only one print button on a form)
- Ctrl-a to select the All button
General Windows Shortcuts
- Ctrl-c to copy the selected information to the clipboard
- Ctrl-v to paste the contents of the clipboard
- Ctrl-x to cut the selected information to the clipboard
- Ctrl-z to undo the last operation
- Ctrl-Click to select random records when looking at a number of records
- Shift-Click to select a range of records when looking at a number of records. If you click the first record, then shift-click the last record – all records in between will then be selected.
General MAC shortcuts
Please note in Microsoft Remote Desktop version 10.2 and above, the only MAC shortcuts available are Cut, Copy and Paste
- Command-c to copy the selected information to the clipboard
- Command-v to paste the contents of the clipboard
- Command-x to cut the selected information to the clipboard
- Command-z to undo the last operation
- Command-Click to select random records when looking at a number of records
- Shift-Click to select a range of records when looking at a number of records. If you click the first record, then shift-click the last record – all records in between will then be selected
Date shortcuts
Put in the day and it will assume current month and year, no slashes required.
- t = Todays date
- m = First day of Month
- h = Last Day of Month
- y = First day of Year
- r = Last day of Year
- f = First day of Financial Year
- l = Last day of financial Year
Tax ID Numbers
ABN (Australia)/Tax ID (Us and Canada)/GST Number (NZ)/ Vat Number (SA and UK) Equivalents for all countries
The number of characters allowing to be entered is as follows:
- Australia = 11
- USA = 9
- New Zealand = 8
- Otherwise unlimited
The display format is as follows:
- Australia ## ### ### ###
- New Zealand ###-###-###
- South Africa ####/######/##
- Canada ######### ## ####
- US (Independant Vendor Type) ###-##-####
- US (Other) ##-#######
- Otherwise free format
Phone and Fax Numbers
The number of characters allowing to be entered is as follows
- US=10
- Otherwise=16
The display format is as follows:
- USA (###) ###-####
- Canada (###) ###-####
- Otherwise free format